A Test for Ovarian Cancer?
What can you tell me about the new blood test for ovarian cancer?

Acupressure For Menstrual Pain?
I understand that acupressure can help relieve menstrual pain. Does it work for…

Alexia for Natural Breast Reduction?
I saw a product online called Alexia which claims to naturally reduce the size of a…

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Alternatives to Estrogen?
Is there any data on the safety of bio-identical hormones for someone whose mother had…

Alternatives to Prescription Estrogen Cream?
Is there an alternative to Premarin vaginal cream? It has helped eliminate frequent…

Are Bioidentical Hormones Better?
What do you think of the FDA’s move against bioidentical hormones for treatment of…

Are Mammograms Worthwhile?
I was shocked to hear about two studies showing that mammograms mostly turn up small…

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