Am I Iodine Deficient?
I drink a lot of non-dairy milk and have heard that it contains too little iodine. Am I at…

An Antioxidant In Beer?
I am hearing more about an antioxidant called xanthohumol, derived from hops used in beer…

An Antioxidant Update?
You used to recommend taking 1,000-2,000 mg of vitamin C, three times a day. Now…

Are Ayurvedic Supplements Dangerous?
I heard about heavy metals contaminating some ayurvedic supplements. What’s the…

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Are Blood Thinning Supplements Dangerous?
It seems that lots of things that are good for you are also natural blood thinners. How do…

Are Fish Oil Capsules and Fish Oil Supplements Safe?
Are fish oil supplements safe? Do they contain heavy metals and other toxins?

Are Supplements Really Harmful to Women?
Can you tell me what you think about the recent study showing that middle- aged women who…

Are There Side Effects To Creatine?
I see creatine in a lot of pre-workout formulas and protein powders — should I be…

Exclusive Lifestyle, Nutrition & Health Advice
Dr. Weil's FREE health living advice delivered to you!
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